Installing Bower Dependencies from Grunt
If you use both bower and grunt
in your node.js project and you don't like to perform bower install
manually every time
while you already have a grunt default
, here's a simple task you can add to your Gruntfile.js
bower's programmatic api:
grunt.registerTask('bower', 'Install bower dependencies', function() {
var bower = require('bower'),
done = this.async();
bower.commands.install().on('log', function(result) {
grunt.log.writeln('bower ' + + ' ' + result.message);
}).on('error', function() {
}).on('end', function(results) {
Note that it has to be asynchronous. Now you can add it into your default task:
grunt.registerTask('default', ['bower', 'concat', 'uglify']);
And make sure you have bower in your npm dependencies:
npm install bower --save
Now you don't even need to install bower globally and you can run everything you need
with one grunt